The Data we collect:
Like any other online shop, Hopscotch Essentials needs you to provide us with some of your personal information.
- We obviously need your name and address so that we can send your essential products to the right place, verify your payment card details and set up your account with us if you would like one. These are automatically sent to the Royal Mail to generate postal labels and for parcel tracking.
- We like to have your telephone number, just in case we need to contact you about your order, to ensure your order is processed as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, this is optional, but if we do have it, we are able to provide you with a better service. We will NEVER telephone you on any matter other than an order you have placed with us and will NEVER share your telephone number with anyone else.
- Your payment card details, so that you can pay for your order. At this point you legally enter a contract with us to buy your lovely products. This is one of the bases we use for processing your data. Please note though that we DO NOT store any credit card information, payments are processed via Elavon or PayPal and the information is used only to process that one payment, nothing else.
- If you give us your email address, we can use it in the following ways as dictated by you:
- send you an order confirmation so that you know we have received your order.
- to let you know when an unavailable item comes back into stock.
What we do with your Data
- We send your order to the right place!
- When you place an order you enter into a contract with us for the selling of goods.
Sharing of your Personal Data
Now this is really important – we NEVER share any of your personal data with any other companies not associated with Hopscotch Essentials and we never obtain information about you from any source other than you.
All of the information that we’ve talked about above is strictly for our use only for the processing of online orders to make sure you receive your goods – nothing else.
As we have your details, here are ours:
Hopscotch Trading Ltd (trading online as Hopscotch Essentials) is a company incorporated in England and our company number is 6848342.
In compliance with GDPR requirements, we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), registration number ZB147529.
If there is anything you need to know, feel free to contact us at:
Hopscotch Trading Limited
88 High Street
You can also call us on 020 8364 9777 or email us at
Our privacy notice is designed to take into account the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).